Ashley Selberg Designs
Cosplay and Costume Design
Accessories, Art and More
Memphis, TN, USA

Welcome! My name is Ashley Selberg.
I was born and raised just outside Memphis, TN. I went to O'More College of Design in Franklin Tennessee where I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design. From college I realized that I loved designing costumes so I set out for the theatre world. I started work as a costume technician for Ballet Memphis under head designer Bruce Bui as soon as I graduated. Since then I have worked for many other theatres and even film production companies. In my spare time I create costumes of all kinds for theatre and cosplay and work on illustrations for commissions and my own Manga/comic that I hope to get published in the near future. My works have been recognized in Memphis' Art at the Airport in 2009, the Congressional Art Competition of 2007, the Eloise O'More Fashion Show in 2013, MTAC Cosplay Contest 2018, and Anime Blues Con 8 Cosplay Contest and currently on stage for Ballet Memphis. Costuming is my passion and I can't wait to get some of my current designs up on my Etsy shop. There is just something magical about he;ping an actor or dancer or every day person feel special by creating the perfect costume that brings everything together.
For more information please see my Resume and art portfolio and follow me below.
For my full art portfolio please see my
DeviantArt page and my comic Dragon Soul